Title: Deals Made with the Man Behind the Curtain For the White Collar 100 prompt #133 - Games Author: hurinhouse Fandom: White Collar A/N: set after an AU ep 1.14 Rating: PG Characters: Neal/Kate Summary: Who needs Julian Larssen? Disclaimer: Entirely fiction 300 words ( Deals Made with the Man Behind the Curtain )
Title: Let's Play a Game A/N: for the White Collar 100 prompt #132 - Pretend Author: hurinhouse Fandom: White Collar Rating: G Characters: Ellen, Neal, OMC Summary: It's a brand new start. Disclaimer: Entirely fiction 300 words ( Let's Play a Game )
Title: So Much to Learn A/N: for the White Collar 100 prompt #131 - Play Author: hurinhouse Fandom: White Collar Rating: G Characters: Neal, Peter, Elizabeth, OMC Summary: Can you con a con? Disclaimer: Entirely fiction 300 words ( So Much to Learn )
Title: Security Blanklet A/N: Dialogue only Author: hurinhouse Fandom: White Collar Rating: G Characters: Neal, Peter Summary: Why throw a good crutch away? Disclaimer: Entirely fiction 368 words ( Security Blanklet )
Title: Thrill Me Again Author: hurinhouse Fandom: White Collar Rating: PG Characters: Neal, Peter Summary: It's like riding a bike, with the right person Disclaimer: Entirely fiction 514 words ( Thrill Me Again )
Title: Can't Get Enough… A/N: for the White Collar 100 prompt #130 - ecstasy Author: hurinhouse Fandom: White Collar Rating: G Summary: It's never enough Disclaimer: Entirely fiction 100 words ( Can't Get Enough )
Christmas Fic Title: It Changes Everything Author: hurinhouse Fandom: White Collar Rating: G Characters: Neal, Elizabeth Summary: Neal's been at the Burke's thousands of times, but this is a first Disclaimer: Entirely fiction 237 words ( It Changes Everything )
Christmas Fic Title: Neither Snow, nor Rain, nor Heat, nor Gloom of Night… Author: hurinhouse Fandom: White Collar Rating: G Characters: June, Mozzie Summary: Nothing will stop their travels this day. Disclaimer: Entirely fiction 244 words ( Neither Snow, nor Rain, nor Heat, nor Gloom of Night… )
Christmas Fic Title: Symmetry Author: hurinhouse Fandom: White Collar Rating: G Characters: Neal/Kate Summary: The best gifts come in wriggly packages Disclaimer: Entirely fiction 403 words ( Symmetry )
Christmas Fic Title: Happy Christmas Author: hurinhouse Fandom: White Collar Rating: G Characters: Mozzie, Neal Summary: Doesn't matter where you are, matters who you're with Disclaimer: Entirely fiction 262 words ( Happy Christmas )